In Health and Physical Education, our students develop a positive sense of self, build respectful relationships, and gain a wide range of movement skills, concepts and understanding that enable them to participate in a range of physical activities. Our passion is educating students to be confident, competent and creative team players with a desire to live active and healthy life-styles.
We have many fantastic sporting facilities at Edge Hill and our students eagerly engage in Physical Education classes. Students in Prep to Year 6 participate in two 30-minute Physical Education lessons per week, taught by one of our specialist PE teachers. Health units are taught by the classroom teacher with components also woven into PE lessons. During PE classes, our Prep - 2 classes focus on developing a wide range of fundamental movement skills, while students in Years 3 - 6 begin to develop a rich understanding of game sense, and the movement skills and concepts necessary to apply to a wide range of sports.
We are extremely fortunate to have our own swimming pool on site to deliver Education Queensland's Water Safety and Swimming Education Program. Students in Years 1 - 6 have Water Safety lessons in Term 1 and 4. Preps begin their water safety journey in Term 4. These classes are taught by our PE teachers, who are assisted by our teacher aides, all of whom have current Learn to Swim and CPR qualifications. The classes are during one of their PE time slots.
Many other wonderful opportunities exist for our students to engage in physical activity throughout the year: Colour Fun Run, Athletics Carnivals, before school sporting programs, lunchtime activities run by our PE and House Captains, representative sporting teams. Information is communicated to students and families via assemblies, letters, Facebook and our school newsletter.