School councils can be established in state schools and will enable greater involvement of the school community and other stakeholders, such as industry, in setting the strategic direction for the school.
The role of a school council is to:
monitor the school's strategic direction
approve plans and policies of the school of a strategic nature, including the annual estimate of revenue and expenditure for the school
monitor the implementation of the plans, policies and other relevant documents
advise the school's principal about strategic matters.
The school council will play a role in monitoring and informing the school's strategic direction in a way that achieves the best learning outcomes for the school's students.
The size of the school will determine representation of parents, staff and students on the school council. School councils will comprise of at least six, but not more than 15 members. A school council must include at least one elected parent member and one elected staff member. The number of elected parent members and elected staff members of a school council must be equal.
The establishment of school councils will not impact upon the functions and powers of P&Cs and the P&C president will be included on the school council to represent the views of the P&C Association.
School councils will have the responsibility to approve documents that set the strategic direction of the school, but will not be involved in daily operational aspects.