Edge Hill's 75th celebration in 2015 was a comprehensive event that paid homage to the school's rich history while embracing the advancements of the modern era. The day's festivities were characterized by a range of activities that provided a nostalgic journey for attendees.
The recreation of an old classroom within the original building demonstrated a commitment to preserving the school's heritage. These activities allowed participants to experience firsthand the bygone era when inkpots were commonplace, juxtaposed against the contemporary world dominated by iPads.
The inclusion of maypole dancing, a traditional and cultural activity, added a touch of vintage charm. This classic form of dance, often associated with folk traditions, beautifully captured the essence of the school's historical roots and contributed to the overall nostalgic atmosphere.

Following the maypole dancing, the transition to a modern and vibrant performance by the then current students with their rock eisteddfod routine introduced a dynamic contrast. The juxtaposition of traditional and contemporary forms of expression showcased the school's ability to evolve while honouring its heritage.
The library, adorned with photo boards and albums, served as a visual time capsule, chronicling the school's evolution over the years. QR codes attached to the walls of buildings served as digital portals, allowing participants to explore the history of each building in a way that transcended the limitations of traditional photo boards and albums. This integration of technology into the celebration exemplifies how Edge Hill's 75th event successfully encapsulated the theme "from inkpots to iPads."
The presence of guest speakers, including past principals and students, added a personal touch, sharing anecdotes and memories that contributed to a deeper appreciation of Edge Hill's history.

The revival of an old-fashioned tuckshop, where lunch orders were placed on brown paper bags, added a charming and authentic touch to the celebrations. This attention to detail not only catered to nostalgia but also fostered a sense of community and camaraderie among attendees.
As the day transitioned into evening, the festivities continued with a formal dinner featuring dynamic performances from feeder high schools and local dance troupes. The inclusion of original year 1 students as guests of honour symbolized a bridge between the school's past and its future, showcasing the continuity of traditions and the growth of the student community.

Edge Hill's 75th celebration was a meticulously crafted event that celebrated the school's journey "from inkpots to iPads." By blending nostalgic elements with modern festivities, the celebration succeeded in creating a memorable experience for all participants, fostering a sense of pride and connection among the school community.