It is an expectation of the Edge Hill State School Community - the Parents' & Citizens Association (P & C), the Principal and staff - that all students abide by the School Dress Code Policy. A parent/caregiver application to enrol at Edge Hill State School is taken as acceptance of this policy.
Parents' & Citizens Association Endorsement
The Parents' & Citizens Association (P & C) of Edge Hill State School resolves that it supports a student dress code for Edge Hill State School because it believes that a student dress code promotes objectives of the Education (General Provisions) Bill 2006. In particular, the P & C of Edge Hill State School supports the intention of a student dress code in providing a safe and supportive teaching and learning environment by:
- Ready identification of students and non-students at the school;
- Eliminating distraction of competition in dress and fashion at school;
- Fostering a sense of belonging; and
- Developing mutual respect among students through· minimising visible evidence of economic or social differences.
Sun Safety
Broad-brimmed hats are an essential component of the uniform. The school's Sun Protection Policy, endorsed by P & C, indicates that children must be wearing a hat during all outdoor lessons and playtimes. If children are not wearing hats, the teacher on duty will require that they stay in the shade. Our school is a 'Sun Smart' school. Sunscreen is available in every classroom.